Minggu, 07 Oktober 2012

ACAK" Materi !

1. Prefer 
(Preference adalah ungkapan perasaan yang menyatakan lebih suka daripada yang lainnya).
  • Subject + Prefer + to infinitive
  • Subject + Prefer + Nouns + to + Nouns
  • Subject + Prefer + Gerund + to + Gerund
  • They prefer to go now
  • My mother prefers lemon to orange
  • She prefers watching TV to listening to the radio

"Japanese prefer to call their country as land of the rising sun."

2. Yet
Pemakaian kata ‘yet’ dalam bahasa Inggris menyiratkan arti ‘about to happen’ (akan segera terjadi). Contohnya dalam kalimat berikut:
She hasn’t washed the dishes yet.
Kalimat di atas menyatakan bahwa si subject (She) sudah mencuci piring, dan sedang melakukannya saat ini, dan sebentar lagi (dalam waktu singkat) akan segera menyelesaikannya.
Jadi penambahan yet di akhir kalimat memberikan tekanan waktu, bahwa action yang dijelaskan pada kalimat (membersihkan piring) akan segera selesai.
Penggunaan yet juga memberikan semacam desakan waktu. Contohnya begini:
Have you finished the report yet?
Bandingkan dengan kalimat:
Have you finished the report?
Pada kalimat pertama, si penanya memberikan semacam desakan agar laporan yang dimaksud segera diselesaikan. Berbeda dengan kalimat kedua, sang penanya hanya sekedar menanyakan apakah laporannya sudah selesai atau belum.


Anime (\アニメ) is a Japanese Animation (Japanese Animation) are widely used in various TV series, Movies, Video, Games, Commercial, and Some Internet sites. Anime is becoming increasingly Popular Lama. Many Anime TV series are taken from the Manga (Japanese Comics). Anime name derived from the word meaning Animation Animation. In Japan, the word Pronunciation Animation to Anime-Shon, word was later shortened to Anime means animation made in Japan. So how do these developments Japanese Animation?

Animation began in the beginning of the 20th century, when the makers mengeksperimenkan Film Animation Techniques that are already in the United States, France, Germany and Russia. History of animation work done in Japan beginning with First Experiments in Animation by Bokoten Shimokawa, Koichi Junichi, and Kitayama Seitaro in 1913. Then followed a short film which is a masterpiece Oten Shimokawa first Anime. Anime is titled Imokawa Mukuzo Genkanban no Maki, Anime is made ​​and completed in 1917, this anime only lasted 5 minutes and up to now it is not used anymore Anime ... Anime is about a samurai sword was testing with a target. At that time Oten takes 6 months just to do a 5 minute animation throughout and still a "silent movie". Oten The work was then followed by the anime titled Saru Kani Kassen and Momotaro Kitayama Seitaro work in 1918, which was made ​​for the movie company Katsudo Nihon Shashin (Nikatsu). In 1918 Seitaro re-create the anime titled Taro no Banpei. But all the records of the anime is said to be lost in the earthquake in Tokyo in 1923.

In 1927, the United States has managed to create animations by using sound (at the time only using background music). Japan then follow the steps and the first anime to use the sound of music is Kujira (1927) Ofuji Noburo work. While the first anime that "talk" is the work entitled Kuro Ofuji Nyago (1930) and a duration of 90 seconds. One of the anime that was recorded before the eruption of World War II and was the first anime to use the optical track (as used in the present) is Chikara To Onna No Yononaka (1932) Kenzo Masaoka's work.

Shortly after that, in 1962 there were an Anime Anime One who entered the first era of success. Anime is called Tetsuwan Atom (Outside Japan, anime named Astro Boy) Ozamu Tezuka's work. Astro Boy is very Famous, even to broadcast to several countries outside Japan. However, Astro Boy is not the first locally-made animated television. Year 1960 was the first time a TV anime aired in Japan, which is a Mittsu no Hanashi (Tree Tales) - The Third Blood anime TV Special. Ozamu Tezuka said as "legends and gods of the Manga". Astro Boy created by Osamu Tezuka Production Animation Department Ozamu founded by Tezuka (he founded a new company in the year 1962).

As the beginning of 1970, the population surge Manga purchases. Robot (Mecha) major anime was first introduced in 1966 through the work of Shotaro Kaneda, Tetsujin 28. Since it started popping anime-themed anime similar, for example Gundam. Anime manga adaptation of works by the name of Monkey Punchyaitu Lupin Sansei (Lupin III) into anime aimed at the adult audience by presenting adult humor and slapstick violence. This television show was very popular so it appears in the form of films and even television series was made into 2 sequel.

Entering the era of the 80's, anime increasingly popular and more and more film producers are trying to meet the wishes of the people. This growth is further supported by the advent of the video cassette as a medium. With the VCR technology, people can obtain their favorite anime in the form of video. It is then encouraged the emergence of an anime version of the video that are sold directly to the public without having first aired on television. (Known by the term OVA - Original Video Animation or OAV - Original Animated Videos). Keiji Nakazawa victims of Hiroshima with the theme title Hadashi no Gen anime was made ​​in 1983 by director Masaki Mari. One of the famous anime that is similar to the theme Hotaru no Haka (Grave of the Fireflies). With the emergence of anime anime-themed complex and profound, the anime has crossed boundaries "just for kids" and has become a spectacle to the viewer a variety of age levels.